Kenton county justice center All items on the Consent Agenda were voted on together. 00 V004497 Saniclean LLC October 2024 Cleaning Contract (ICH) $1,641. Kenton County Fiscal Court Claims List Fund Title Vendor Name Description Account Amount 01 Bonds may be posted at the Circuit Clerk’s office in the Justice Center from 8 am to 3:30 pm Monday-Friday. 24 mats/bb/092820 5406 $138. Sixteenth Judicial District of Kentucky Kenton County District Court. 27 certapro painters pg elevator lobbies/secur 5750 $11,850. “I [] Request apprnval to award the Kenton County Justice Center and Parking Garage Facility Management bid to Meridian Management Corporation for the Kenton County Fiscal Court. -4:00 There is also a FREE Legal Help Center on the 2nd floor of the Justice Center on Wednesdays from 11 am until 2 pm. 25 PAINT HIP ROOM FOR DRUG C 5740 Kenton County Justice Center . PDF Exhibit No. Client Kenton County, Kentucky. Court System Type: Division: Contact Information: Phone Number: Judge Bushelman: 859-292-6364; Judge Mehling: 859-292-6533 Fax: 859-292-6617 Website: http The information and photos presented on this site have been collected from the websites of County Sheriff's Offices or Clerk of Courts. Welcome to Kenton County Family Court. It functions as a secure site that manages the custody Courthouse and Justice Center. Security Office . 44 kenton co justice center - total $42,118. Take the Bond Decision, along with a $25 non-refundable bond filing fee in addition to the bond amount, to Go to Pretrial Services, on the 2nd Floor of the Kenton County Justice Center, 230 Madison Ave. Booking Details name KIRK, DANIEL CHARLES height 5′ 8″ hair BROWN eye BLUE weight 155 lbs race White sex Male arrested by KENTON COUNTY SHERIFF booked 2025-02-28 Charges charge description Read More Kenton County Detention Center 3000 Decker Crane Lane Covington, Kentucky 41017. The Kenton County Justice Center is open normal business hours 8 am to 4 pm, Monday-Friday (except holidays). Learn more about district criminal/traffic court. Phone: 859-363-2400 Kenton County Fiscal Court Claims List Fund Title Vendor Name Description Account Amount 01 KENTON CO JUSTICE CENTER CITY OF COVINGTON SW 054140200202 JC 5581 $339. Asst. Phone: 859-292 1 review of Kenton County Justice Center "I believe in jury duty. M. Covington, Kentucky, United States Served on Arts Education committees for the Paramount Arts Center. Kenton County Detention Center 3000 Decker Crane Lane Covington, Kentucky 41017. Equipment. org Evaluation Team: Michele Staton, PhD, MSW UK College of Medicine Department of Behavioral Science The following is a list of phone numbers of our justice partners. The parking garage entran To file against a juvenile (a person under the age of 18 years), you must go to the Court Designated Worker’s Office in the Kenton County Justice Center located at 230 Madison Avenue, Covington Kentucky 41011. The KCLHC is a collaborative project between KAJC and the Kenton County Office of the Circuit Court Clerk, the Kenton County Law Library Trustees, the Administrative Office of the Courts, Northern Kentucky Volunteer Lawyers, Inc. Employee Email. I like that in those increasingly rare circumstances (at least if you follow Republican politics) that criminals can be held accountable for wrongdoing. Kenton County Justice Center 230 Madison Avenue 8th Floor Covington, KY 41011 The Kenton County Justice Center is our next stop. 00 5085 - Parking Garage DEPARTMENT TOTAL $39,144. merrick@kentoncounty. Email: gedmondson@edmondsonlaw. in Courtroom 6A of the Kenton County Justice Center. The Kenton County Legal Help Center (KCLHC) opened in April 2024. Overview of Kenton County Detention Center. Phone: 859-292-6521. 14 MERIDIAN MANAGEMENT CORPORATION MAR 23 JC FACILITY MGMT 5315 $38,559. It provides a range of services related to the administration of justice, including court hearings, trials, and other legal processes. Permits to carry concealed weapons are available through the Office of the Kenton County Kenton County Justice Center, 230 Madison Avenue 0. Learn more about family court. Phone: 859-363-2400 You will fill out an affidavit with the County Attorney and then proceed to the Kenton County Justice Center, Kenton Circuit Clerk’s Office, 3rd floor Domestic Violence. Court services is equipped with closed circuit video, metal detectors, and two x-ray machines. See reviews, map, get the address, and find directions. Family Court handles the following types of cases: adoption click here. 81 kenton co justice center - total $13,160. 00 May 19, 2023 2 10:22:41 AM. Where can I find property assessments? Visit the Property Valuation Administrator’s office learn about types of properties they are responsible for as they are responsible for most property Kenton County Fiscal Court Claims List Fund Title Vendor Name Description Account Amount KENTON CO JUSTICE CENTER CINTAS LOCATION #935 MATS/JC/062722 5406 $77. B. Commonwealth's Attorney Casey Burns recommended a sentence of 3 years in prison, Thank you for taking the time to stay informed about criminal justice in Kenton County. 1 . Administration Division. Garry L Edmondson 303 Court St. The Circuit Clerk’s Office located in the Kenton County Justice Center at 230 Madison Avenue, Covington KY 41011, handles all Emergency Protective Orders (EPOs) and Domestic Violence Orders (DVO). Learn more about district civil/probate court. 50 $0. 6 mile away Reentrance into society after exiting the criminal justice system can be a tumultuous task for an individual. Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Kentucky Campbell County Circuit Court Campbell County Courthouse, 330 York Street, Room 8 0. Directions Physical Address: View Map. Sixteenth Judicial Circuit of Kentucky Kenton County Circuit Court. for the Kenton County Justice Center. EXHIBIT 21 -108 SOLICIT BIDS FOR 5TH FLOOR OF JUSTICE CENTER. < 0((7,1* AGENDA November 12, 2024 5:30 P. Kenton County District Court Records. Kenton County Detention Center MAT-PDOA Grantee Organization: Kenton County Detention Center Program Director: Jason Merrick, MSW, CDAC 3000 Decker Crane Ln. records@ky. Take the Bond Decision, along with a $25 non-refundable bond filing fee in addition to the bond amount, to kenton co justice center cintas location #935 mats/jc/061724 5406 $36. 25 oct 21 covid exp 5740 $4,544. pdf; Exhibit 24-159 Chiller Replacement. , and Legal Aid of kenton co justice center meridian management corporation may/june covid exp 5740 $13,160. custody and child support click here; emergency custody click here. District criminal handles arraignments, pretrial hearings, hearings and trials of misdemeanor, There is also a FREE Legal Help Center on the 2nd floor of the Justice Center on Wednesdays from 11 am until 2 pm. Kenton County Justice Center 230 Madison Avenue Covington, KY 41011 Phone: 859-292-6523 Fax: 859-292-6611 Website | Directions Learn more about circuit civil/criminal court. VI. Kenton County Justice Center . m. Take the Bond Decision, along with a $25 non-refundable bond filing fee in addition to the bond amount, to It was a special ceremony at the Kenton County Justice Center on Wednesday as newly elected Circuit Court Judge Kathy Lape was sworn in by her father, former Judge Ray Lape who held the same seat for sixteen years. dependency, neglect and abuse (for DNA Exhibit No. 69 parking garage abm parking services Kenton County Jailer Marc Fields. 411 Total $149,533 Remainin credit $196,307 Customer Responsibilities: Provide access to Kenton County Justice Center Pa ment Schedule for this Change Order: Kenton County will have a credit of $196,307 Common Pleas Case # Municipal Case # Other Case # Court Date ORC Code Description Bond Type Bond Amount Disposition Comments; B2204685: 022/CRA/16545 : 3/17/25 Jefferson County Legal Help Center Tuesdays 10:00 am- 2:00 pm Jefferson County Public Law Library 2nd Fl. Fax: (859) 491-0986. On 10/9/24, Kidd pled guilty to Bail Jumping. 83 meridian management corporation snow Kenton County Justice Center 230 Madison Avenue, Covington, KY 41011 Phone: (859) 292-6523 Fax: (859) 292-6611. com Legal Aid of the The Kenton County Justice Center is open normal business hours 8 am to 4 pm, Monday-Friday (except holidays). 06 MERIDIAN MANAGEMENT CORPORATION JUN 22 JC FACILITY MGMT 5315 $37,509. 00 5086 - County Government Center Kenton County Government Center Kenton Chambers 1840 Simon Kenton Way &RYLQJWRQ . PDF Kenton County Justice Center Chiller Replacement Project. The Kenton County Detention Center is located at: 3000 Decker Crane Lane Covington, Kentucky 41017. Cutoff for posting bonds and making payments over the phone is 3:30 pm. 81 county administration bld cintas location #935 mats/bb/092120 5406 $138. Phone: 859-292-6523. Kenton County Fiscal Court Claims List Fund Title Vendor Name Description Kenton County Justice Center, 230 Madison Avenue, Fifth Floor, Covington, KY 41011 Kenton County. 00 Emergency Backflow Leak Repair $2,192. 83 mats/skw/040124 5406 $162. Middleton. Covington, KY 41011. 75 DEC23/MAINT/AS 5340F $579. Resources for the Kenton County Circuit Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Kenton County, Kentucky, and Awarded to the Kenton County Detention Center, Covington, Kentucky AUDIT DIVISION 20-116 SEPTEMBER 2020 . You can visit their office between the hours of She served as an Assistant County Attorney for her home county of Kenton. Covington. 69 KENTON CO JUSTICE CENTER Go to Pretrial Services, on the 2nd Floor of the Kenton County Justice Center, 230 Madison Ave. District Courts are courts of trial that have general jurisdiction over a wide range of criminal and civil cases. 00 parking garage - Administration Physical Address 1840 Simon Kenton Way Suite 5200 Covington, KY 41011. 43 $0. Parking: Free parking at back of building Accessibility: Ramps, elevators and equipped bathrooms Requesting Older Court Records 15-35 years old: Request records from the State Records Center by submitting this form to state. Site Links. 0 mile away. 00 meridian management corporation feb 22 jc facility mgmt 5315 $37,509. 5. By posting a bond you are promising that the defendant will appear for all of their court appearances and obey all bond conditions. 67 $0. 00 5085 - Parking Garage V000024 ABM Parking Services Parking Garage Management Contract $39,144. This building is slightly more complicated since it’s in the heart of Covington. 00 $0. 83 $0. com . *Please call Kenton Circuit Clerk Office @ 859-292-6521 or refer to our Service of Process fee schedule here, to ensure accuracy. Phone: (859) 392-1400 Fax: (859) 392-1412. Kenton County Court Designated Worker. CDW. Search Find a Business kenton co justice center - total $1,779. It is located at 3000 Decker Crane Lane, Covington, KY 41017. Liberty Street Louisville, Kentucky 40507. Employee Portal /QuickLinks. Executive Summary (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance, to Kenton County Detention Center (KCDC) in Covington, Kentucky. 514 W. 48 parking garage abm parking services may 24 pg operations 5315 $34,720. Administration Physical Address 1840 Simon Kenton Way Suite 5200 Covington, KY 41011. The Kenton County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the expedient service/execution of all court ordered documents directed to the Sheriff of Kenton County. PHONE: (859) 292-6523 FAX: (859) 292-6639. , Rm. The Circuit Clerk’s office Get more information for Kenton County Justice Center in Covington, KY. Kenton County Justice Center Nov 2023 - Present 7 months. Commonwealth’s Attorney Rob Sanders Kenton County Justice Center 230 Madison Avenue 8th Floor Covington, KY 41011; Phone: 850-431-1027; Fax: 859-431-2254; 6. Link: Court Services Division Page. Hours: 8:00 a. , Suite 821 Covington, KY 41011 Phone 859-291-9966 Fax 859-291-0657. Covington, KY 41011 (859) 292-6421 5081 - Kenton Justice Center (AOC) V000965 Meridian Management Corporation Replace Broken Glass on 1st Floor $2,016. C. Julick is scheduled for arraignment on all charges before Kenton Circuit Judge Patricia Summe on September 3, 2019, at 9 a. 14 emergency systems inc 5/1-7/31/24 ctrl monitori 5365 $119. Justice Courts. KENTON CO JUSTICE CENTER - Total $2,084. Table 1 1840 simon kenton way, suite 1200 covington, ky 41011 office phone: 859. 00 5080 - Courthouse - Independence DEPARTMENT TOTAL $8,158. 21 -108 Request Approval To Go Out To Bid To Remodel The Fifth Floor Of The Kenton County Justice Center. 19-98 Kenton County Detention Center 3000 Decker Crane Lane Covington, Kentucky 41017. This will be the first extension of the initial contract that started on September 1, 2019 through August 31, 2023 Kenton County Jailer Marc Fields. While I don't mind doing it at all, I feel like I just Kenton County Attorney. Kenton County Public Works Department. 91 county courthouse-cov cintas location #935 mats/skw/032524 5406 $162. 19-97 Request approval to award the Animal Housing Cages to Mason Company for cages to be used at the County Animal Shelter. To be notified of service or release from jail VINE (Victim Information & Notification Everyday) 1-800-511-1670. 6% of United States prisoners Located at 3000 Decker Crane Lane, Covington, KY, 41011, the Kenton County Detention Center serves as a central feature of the regional criminal justice system. 00 cintas location #935 mats/jc/061520 5406 $56. gov. Prohibited Items. Kathy Lape was elected in November to replace the retiring Judge Martin Sheehan. The Kenton County Detention Center, located in Crownsville, Kentucky, USA, is the largest county corrections center in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Concealed Carry of a Deadly Weapon. 24 mats/bb/100520 5406 $138. Hours Monday through Friday Contact for Times. 307 Covington, KY 41011 Kenton County. Exhibit 24-160 Request approval of Change Order #1 for the Farmer’s Market at the Historic Kenton County Courthouse. 76 COURTHOUSE-INDEPENDENCE - Total $5,963. N. Kenton County Justice Center 230 Madison Ave. Directory KENTON CO JUSTICE CENTER EMERGENCY SYSTEMS INC 2/1-4/30/24 CTRL MONITORI 5365 $119. Kenton County Fiscal Court Summary Summary FY 2023 Account Code Fund FY 2021 FY 2022 YTD FY 2022 Original Budget Adj Current Budget 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr FY Kenton Family Court 230 Madison Avenue, 3 rd Floor Covington, Kentucky 41011. 23-107 Request approval to extend the Kenton County Justice Center and Parking Facility Management contract with Meridian Management Corporation for the Kenton County Fiscal Court. 91 parking garage - total $35,804. 00 V000816 Kenton County Fiscal Court October 2024/Fuel/SROS $397. The detention facility currently holds more than 600 inmates, convicted and accused criminals of the state currently being held before their hearing dates. Directory Kenton County Pre-Trial Service in Covington, KY, provides essential support to individuals awaiting trial by offering supervision and monitoring services. The telephone number for the Court Designated Worker’s Office is (859) 292-6421. 85 meridian management corporation mar 24 facility mgmt/jc 5315 $40,641. 15. Justice Courts; Kenton County Justice Center-County Courthouse; Kenton County Justice Center-County Courthouse. EXECUTIVE ORDER 24 -121 POLICE (ED BUTLER). The second I've received since moving to this area. Get connected with the Kenton County Justice Center for matters with the Circuit and District Courts. Kenton County Government Center Kenton Chambers Exhibit 24-159 Memo to accept bid for chiller replacement at Justice Center. It’s a process that could take years. The Circuit Clerk’s office is no longer issuing Drivers Licenses or ID’s. kenton co justice center cintas location #935 mats/jc/030722 5406 $65. Operations Division. Kenton County Justice Center, 230 Madison Avenue. 67 PROTEGIS FIRE & SAFETY SPRINKLER INSPECTION 5336 $255. KZF provided architecture and engineering services, as part of a design/build team, for a new justice center V001304 Silco Fire Protection Co Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspection $489. Supreme Court Face Map If you visit the Kenton County Public Inquiry website, you can search Kenton County Official Records for deeds, land documents, mortgages, and plats. Be the first to review! OPEN NOW. pdf; 8. Kenton County Justice Center 230 Madison Avenue 8th Floor Covington, KY 41011; Phone: 850-431-1027; Fax: 859-431-2254; Property Show All Answers. Office of Circuit Court Clerk Circuit Court Clerk: John C. Learn more on the Circuit Court Clerk website. aspx. WHAT DO YOU NEED TO BRING WITH YOU? To view current inmates housed at the Kenton County Detention Center, visit JailTracker. How do I apply for Homestead Exemption? The Property Valuation Administrator's office handles the Homestead Exemption. Resources for the Kenton County District Court as well as online resources applicable to courts generally in Kenton County, Kentucky, and Get connected with the Kenton County Justice Center for matters with the Circuit and District Courts. Hours Monday through Friday District criminal handles arraignments, pretrial hearings, hearings and trials of misdemeanor, traffic and violation offenses including violations of city and county ordinances, and felony Get connected with the Kenton County Justice Center for matters with the Circuit and District Courts. These cases do not require a court date; however, you may refer to the Kentucky Court of Justice Scheduled Events page to review the Circuit Court Motion Hour Schedule. 1829 office hours: m-f 7:30 am - 4 pm Exhibit No. Bonds outside of those hours may be posted at the Kenton County Detention Center. Kenton County Family Court Kenton County Justice Center, 230 Madison Avenue, Fifth Floor 0. Today: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm (859) 292-6523 Call Visit Website Visit Website Map & Directions Directions 230 Madison Ave Covington, KY 41011 Write a Review Write Review. 88 Go to Pretrial Services, on the 2nd Floor of the Kenton County Justice Center, 230 Madison Ave. Phone: 859-363-2400 After the 30 day or 7 day time frame has passed, the landlord can go to the civil department of Kenton County District Court on the third floor of the Kenton County Justice Center, 230 Madison Ave, and file for a Writ of Forcible Detainer. 69 parking garage signarama pg signage replacement pr 5750 $35,804. Website | Directions Online Court Resources. Please note that these numbers are subject to change: Kenton County Detention Center (Jail) 859-363-2430 Kenton County Jail Kenton County Public Defenders Office 1-833-385-6054 Northern Kentucky Bar Association Lawyer Referral Service 859-781-1525 www. 1829 office hours: m-f 7:30 am - 4 pm kenton co justice center bachman's inc chiller 2 rpr/a3 compress 5740 $13,378. 21 -107 Request Approval To Surplus Various Items For The Kenton County Sherriff ¶s Department. 00 October 2024/Maint/PD $6,259. Phone: 859-363-2400 Trauma Kits for Justice Center $2,475. The people featured on this site may not have been convicted of the charges or crimes listed and are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Kentucky Campbell County Circuit Court Campbell County Courthouse, 330 York Street, Room 8 We provide security at the Kenton County Justice Center for witnesses, victims, juries and defendants. 30 PARKING GARAGE ABM PARKING SERVICES APR 23 ABM CONTRACT 5315 $36,613. Construction Cost $27,000,000. Kenton County Legal Help Center. EXHIBIT 21 -107 SURPLUS 1 VEHICLE 2 GLOCKS SHERIFF. 00 Police Agency: Kenton Co Detention Center. Home. 11 $0. According to the Harvard Political Review, 76. Equipment $54, 121 Services $95. 85 KENTON CO JUSTICE KENTON CO PUBLIC WORKS DEC23/FUEL/AS 5429F $1,623. Exhibit No. Employee Access Center. 90 TOSHIBA AMERICA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS S3500347450DRX 5334 $23. 1. 81 meridian management corporation jun 20 jc facility mgmt 5315 $ kenton co justice center - total $54,044. Kentucky differs from other states in that jailers are a bipartisan elected position, and jails are controlled by these jailers rather than sheriff’s or police departments. Kenton County Legal Help Center Wednesdays 11:00 am- The Kenton County Justice Center in Covington, KY serves as a hub for legal proceedings and law enforcement activities within the county. Generated from their business information 1840 simon kenton way, suite 1200 covington, ky 41011 office phone: 859. 00 5081 - Kenton Justice The Kenton County Detention Center is a local jail facility located in Covington, Kenton County Kentucky. Bonds may be posted at the Circuit Clerk’s office in the Justice Center from 8 am to 3:30 pm Monday-Friday. Welcome to Kenton County District Criminal/Traffic Court. Where can I find foreclosures (the Master Commissioner Sale of Properties)? Kenton County Master Commissioner. 21-152 Request approval to extend the contract for uniform and laundry services bid to Cintas Corporation for the Kenton County Public Works/Fleet Department. There is a filing fee with the court and a $60 service fee for the Sheriff’s Office. 00 5081 - Kenton Justice Center (AOC) DEPARTMENT TOTAL $52,548. KCDC was awarded one cooperative agreement totaling $300,000, as shown in Table 1. To learn more about the Kenton County Detention Center and the Kenton County Jailer, visit their website. Phone: 859-363-2400. 16th District Kenton County Justice Center 230 Madison Ave. 67 RADIUS CONSTRUCTION CO INC . Phone: (859) 491-0600 or 859 653-5316 Cell . Documents: Exhibit 23-107 JC PG Kenton County Fiscal Court Summary Summary FY 2024 Account Code Fund FY 2022 FY 2023 YTD FY 2022 Original Budget Adj Current Total Kenton County Justice Center 1,018,595 1,085,902 545,304 3,969,800 50,757 4,020,557 268,698 231,514 66,862 567,074 21,770 Total Parking Garage 567,376 719,775 Purchase of BDA solution at Kenton County Justice Center: $149,533 Cost breakdown:. Kenton County Fiscal Court Claims List Fund Title Vendor Name Description Account Amount 01 COURTHOUSE-INDEPENDENCE FEDERAL SUPPLY TOLIET PAPER, LINERS 5334 $165. Kenton County Domestic Violence Protocol. Covington, KY, 41017 Phone: (859) 363-2437 E-mail address: jason. PDF Kenton County Justice Center located at 230 Madison Ave, Covington, KY 41011 - reviews, ratings, hours, phone number, directions, and more. 1800 office fax: 859. By posting a bond you are promising that the defendant will appear for all of their court appearances and obey all January 26, 2016 Kenton County Justice Center, 230 Madison Avenue, Fifth Floor. 48 kenton co justice center - total $36. Employee Links. Square Feet 135,000 SF. 76 $0. 89 kenton co justice center - total $41,100. Items not allowed in Justice Center include: The Kenton County Justice Center is open normal business hours 8 am to 4 pm, Monday-Friday (except holidays). Construction, Inc. The organization aims to ensure compliance with court-ordered conditions and promote successful outcomes for clients involved in the criminal justice system. kenton co justice center city of covington 054140200202 jc 5581 $339. 00 V004522 Toshiba America Business Solutions 40N9390/S3500347450DVL (IC) $37. Case and locator numbers must be provided; request those from the Office of Circuit Court Clerk in the county where the case was handled. 230 Madison Avenue Covington, KY 41011. You may also be eligible to do some payments on-line or at select retail locations. 24 Court to extend the Kenton County Justice Center and Parking Facility Management contract with Meridian Management Corporation for the Kenton County Fiscal Court . nkybar. Her private practice concentrated in the areas of medical negligence and product liability defense, personal injury, family law, Kenton County Justice Center 230 Madison Ave. Circuit Court . Kenton County Justice Center 230 Madison Avenue Covington, KY 41011. 41 $0. Just yesterday, I got a dreaded summons for jury duty. District Court . , Covington, Kentucky to obtain a Bond Decision. 392. 11 county administration bld Authorities executed search warrants and arrested John Sharp, 34, last week after investigators in Florida notified Kenton County Police of man who reported months of unauthorized purchases. Phone: 859-292-6523 Fax: 859-292-6611. Site Map. lrz zirvvqu juhzfdj nerxk kan xam pdlnr wnnui czouj bth wodcedm izmvvphc rjvvr noermm tegex